Day One: All Done!


Loyal Viewers,

We very much hope you all enjoyed the first day of band competition here at the New Zealand National Brass Band Championships, streamed live to you via the Stream Team from Brassbanned!

There were fantastic performances in all grades – and world class playing at the very top of the A Grade section.

The street march was also a fantastic event, the weather held out and our internet connection remained stable, allowing us to beam it live to you at home.

My personal pick for the top 3 in A Grade are with Dalewool, Woolston and Wellington (in no particular order). Luckily I’m not a professional adjudicator so I don’t have to decide anything more than I enjoyed those three performances the most!

Remember, if you’d like your next brass band event live streamed, all you need to do is get in touch with us and cover our travel costs. We would be delighted to bring our professional skills to your event to spread the joy of brass banding all over the world

Brassbanned will be back live tomorrow morning at 8:30am NZ Time (GMT + 12) – join us for the own choice selections…. You can find the details of who is playing what where when, here.