Brassbanned on the Run – Almost Everyone at Eastern Bay of Plenty Brass


Team Brassbanned drop past one of the world’s best bands as they finish rehearsal. That’s right, we stopped by Whakatane to visit the mighty Eastern Bay of Plenty Brass Band and chat with Alan Spence (Musical Director) as well as a number of very talented players.

EBOP will be giving the Open A Grade favourites a red hot run for their money – after they burst onto the scene with the highest score in the Test by an NZ band back in 2017.

We talk about the fantastic sense of community at EBOP, find out some more about which foot to step off on for the march – and talk about how such a young band can be playing at such an incredibly high level.

Don’t miss the exhilarating, excitement-laden live stream of this week’s New Zealand Brass Band Championships – live, free, probably in 4K at 60fps on (HD is for chumps).

#brassbanned #brassbannedontherun#brassbannedontheruninwhakatane#iwastooscaredtosaywhakataneincaseimispronouncedit#veronicaisstillinrussiabreakinghearts #hashtag#4kisonlyhalfasgoodas8k